Saturday, April 20, 2013

I've been waiting to exhale

I have a story to tell, but since it's not mine, I won't.  I am going to say a couple of things here which should paint a good enough picture:

1.  Time = Brain

2.  If you aren't happy with your treatment, get thee to another hospital.  ASAP.

3.  Choose the most assertive person you know to be your voice when yours is lost.

4.  Or suffer the consequences.

It's been a tough week here and our little family is suffering the consequences.  I'm really sad to learn that in some emergency rooms, "treat 'em and street 'em" is still an acceptable way to push patients through, or in this case, out of the system.

It's a damned shame.


Ruth said...

Hope all is OK now. Hugs

Mrs. A said...

Sounds like you've given some very good advice at a very stressful time. Hopefully it's listened to.

Irene said...

People have to learn to be assertive and not let themselves be treated as if they have no say over what happens to them.

Stephanie V said...

Hope that exhalation is a good sign. I've been missing you. Take care.

Gail said...

Hope this story you can't tell has a happy ending.

NCmountainwoman said...

I've always believed that ER staff should have to rotate off periodically to reboot their compassion.

Alice said...

hate to say it . . .
been thar done that.

In my prayers and hang in there.

Finding Pam said...

I hope this has a good outcome. So sorry it has been a rough week. I don't want to live in a world without compassion.

Knitty said...

Sad to say that many of us could probably add something to this without knowing your specifics. I never wanted to be one of "those" people who spoke of the past as having so much better. I don't think that the past was necessarily better, but the present sure is disappointing for all too many reasons.

I hope things are better for you and yours.

The Bug said...

So sorry to hear this. My mom was that loud voice for us back in the day. I miss that sometimes.

Brenda said...

Just do what you can and leave the rest to God or others. You are a good soul my friend.

Mimi said...

No 3 is the best advice you could ever hear. Hospitals are scary places a lot of the time.

Celia said...

I'm glad you are there and are familiar with the way treatment should be. Hoping for the best.

Larjmarj said...

I hope everything is OK. Hospitals........? Don't' get me started.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for this hard time you're going through. Your advice is priceless.