Monday, January 16, 2012

Better late

Bella's Mittens in Rowan's Cocoon in the color, Shale.

Half way through the month, and I finally have the first finished object of 2012. For something that takes only a few hours to knit, besides sloth, there is really no excuse for how long it took to knit these. Even the repair took only five minutes when I put my crochet hook to the problem. It was so cold this weekend that I think these would have come in handy if I hadn't been so slow.

Oh well, it'll get cold again soon enough (tomorrow night) and this time I'm ready.

Yes... that's garlic in the photo. Everyone else uses an apple so the composition sort of looks like this. I prefer to be better armed with garlic when it comes to vampires.


Celia said...

They look beautiful!

Garlic is good to have around. You never know when you might have to repel vampires.

Stephanie V said...

Beauty and warmth - a great combination! If you ingest the garlic you can keep the cold bugs away, too. So they say.

Rose said...

I made a pair of those a year or two ago as a gift, but I love the garlic!

Jane said...

Oh, they look lovely and warm

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

they're lovely!

smiles, bee

The Bug said...

Ooh pretty! And I think the garlic is VERY appropriate!

Unknown said...

I like that color too. No garlic for me I do not care for it. Maybe that was what you need to fight off the previous post baddies.

Brenda said...

Very pretty! Love the color also. Glad you recommended the book The Help. I am reading it now and think it is best one I have read in a long time. Thanks!

Joanna said...

That shale yarn is so pretty. Almost as pretty as the mittens.

SkippyMom said...

[It took me a minute, but. . .] FUNNY Rudee, very funny.

We are not a Twilight family [you would think with two teenage girls we would be all about sparkly vampires - notsomuch] but the garlic is perfect with Bella's mittens.

Ruth said...

They are great mittens.
Keep garlic around will save you from vampires.

Knitty said...

Beautiful mittens and you are so right to use garlic as a prop! LOL!

LeslieA said...

Your mittens are lovely,Rudee. The yarn looks really soft and I like the colour you have used.

debra said...

Mittens and garlic are a fitting combination for a snowy winter's day.

Larjmarj said...

Pretty! I like the way the garlic looks, sort of like a flower. I have a pair of stranded mittens that I started almost a year ago and haven't picked them up...urgh. Talk about taking a long time to finish something!

Gail said...

Another beautiful work of art. I am still enjoying my fantastic pair you made for me. I hope they never wear out!

I am not ignoring your comments...I have lost your email. Thanks for stopping by.

As to the lack of pictures of the past event, it is very difficult to get pictures, armed with a stick and a flash light, chasing dogs in the dark. I hope I painted it well with the words.