I'm nearing the half way point of posting a blog post a day. I've not a single interesting thing to say today except I'm feeling pretty miserable. And we all know what they say about misery. I have consumed so many fluids in the past 24 hours in an attempt to drown the beast that's taken over my sinuses. As a result, as soon as I lie down, I have to get back up to pee-and let's not talk of the delicate art of coughing without having a literal watershed moment. My husband told me his colleague swore by a tea, honey and cinnamon concoction that would cure me by morning. It hasn't-which only goes to prove how desperate I was to feel better. I think I'll go back to the Vernors gingerale.
I sent my son to the store to buy me some tissues. My nose feels like I've taken sandpaper to it and I'm running low on paper products to wipe this prodigiously running nose. He came home with "antiviral" kleenex. Give me a break. Are those Kleenex people kidding me? Is it to kill what's inside of me, or prevent me from spreading the wealth? How many ways can these people reinvent the wheel, or in their case, tissue? It has ascorbic ACID in it. Acid burns when rubbed on raw skin. Duh.
I'd also like to spend a moment discussing pseudoephedrine. Love. Hate. It does help dry me up, but it also pushes me over that edge I tend to stand too close to. But what really burns my arse is the pseudo-pseudoephedrine they try to sell me. Sheesh. Alright already! There is nothing in the pseudo-pseudo product that works. To get the good stuff, I have to present my driver's license to the pharmacist. Otherwise, who knows? They may think I'm trying to brew some strange concoction in my bathtub.
LOL, sorry to laugh at your misery, and sorry for thinking better you than me:)
I am sure most of us will get our share of the bug during the season, so tell us what helps. The only thing that helps me is staying in bed with NyQuil, until it runs its course. Cold medicines make me tired and extremely grouchy. Hope you are better soon!
I'm kind of sniffly too but certainly not as bad as you. My stepson tells me of a concoction of hot chilly peppers with hot water that he drinks when he gets a cold.He swears by it but I haven't tried it...good luck
Awww. You guys aren't much help in the remedy department, but somehow, you make me feel better. If only my chest and nose would get the note.
Rositta, I'm sticking to soda and tea that I can recognize. No more concoctions for me.
Poor you. Get well soon.
Hope you feel better soon. Do you have enough movies there?? I could FedEx up my tried and true sickbed collection--chickflicks 24/7.
And remember a Z-pack is very helpful after about 2 weeks of this sinus clogging nonsense.
Poor little bunny. Feel better.
Just what's in your sickbed collection distracted? I just finished Shrek 3 and The Guns of Navarone. I'm almost done with JD Robb's new book and now, it's time for a lie down.
Try Vodka and Orange Juice... Or B&B and a cup of tea. The more you drink the better you feel....Kinda like beans
OMG Fudge, you make me laugh. Vodka. My head hurts wicked awful. I didn't have any coffee this morning, so I'll try that before I dip into the liquor.
If your going to have a headache you may as well do it with Vodka!!!
Besides; look at the benefit of you get with the orange juice.
I do hope you get better soon.
I had my dose of this in mid October and it's horrible. My headache was the worst I've ever had with sinus and I was actually sick. Being sick is another of my phobias!
If it hadn't been for the nose and face ache typical of sinus I would have thought I had something much worse!
I just inhaled Olbus (eucalyptus) oil and had it all rubbed over the top of my pyjamas.
Once the headache went and I could drink liquid again I dosed myself with whiskey honey and lemon! I must have smelled a treat in bed! I offered to sleep in the other room but my husband said it was OK. What a martyr!
Winifred, I use honey, whiskey and lemon too. It was my grannies' concoction. I've some sitting next to me on the table.
A cure that my Grandma use to use for a cold was goose grease rubbed on the chest. That was back in the 60s, so I don't know where to find that stuff now. So, I suggest the number one remedy. That is Vicks Vapo rub on the chest covered in a diaper. I would also suggest putting some Vicks under that red nose of yours as well.
Now, what has always worked for me is mega doses of vitamin c pills. Take 20 to 30 of them in an hour. Trust me, it works.
Santa Claus just called, with your nose so red and bright, he wants to know if you would guide his sleigh tonight?
Keep on Sniffing!
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