Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spin Cycle

Working nights, it's so hard to get up in the morning these days.  When I worked dayshift, I'd get up for work at the tender hour of 5 AM.  This schedule became a part of my everyday life and I seldom slept past 6 AM on my days off.  If I had to do this now, I'd be a physical mess.  It's funny how quickly one can change a habit.  With that said, nothing keeps me from getting up early on Saturday mornings.  I know some who reserve Saturday for sleeping, but not me.  I look forward to rising early, filling my travel mug with coffee, buckling my spinning wheel into the passenger seat of my car, and going off to spin some yarn.

Spinning can take place anywhere (now that I have the right tools to make it happen); what I get out of Saturday mornings can't.   I live for this 3 hour block of a nonstop gabfest.  Better, though certainly not cheaper than a therapist, I look forward to these sessions and always leave there energized.  Every time I go, I'm surprised when noon rolls around and our time is up because it always feels like I just got there.

I've been content to be alone with myself for most of my adult life.  I know some who can't be alone for more than 5 minutes, but I've always treasured my solitude.  This desire to share this one morning a week with people who were strangers just last April, surprises and delights me.  If I had to single out one blessing I've received in this very tumultuous year, it's been this unexpected gift of friendship and community with these like-minded women.

Don't go getting the idea that only gossip and no industry occurs during these sessions.  On Saturdays, at least a half a dozen of us prove that we can indeed walk and chew gum at the same time.  This morning, I spun 4 ounces of Targhee top then went home and spun 4 more.  That is going to be one beautiful yarn when I get around to plying.



sandy said...

That sounds like a fun time for you. I'm like you, I could live my life in solitude forever...and I try to...just doesn't always work.

Brenda said...

That does sound like a reward at the end of a work week. I do enjoy being with people I can relax and have fun with, but like Sandy, I also need my alone time. Your spinning does sound interesting. Let me know what you think about the new Dan Brown book. I haven't bought it yet.

Jane said...

It makes a big difference being able to share some time with others who enjoy the same things as you and learning together. A bit of sanity in a crazy world!

clairedulalune said...

How wonderful that you can meet up with like minded people and get all that spinning done! I can not wait to see the yarn!

laurie said...

i think any new friendships after, say, college are a gift.

Rose said...

The community of women is amazing. I've been a part of the LaLeche League community where I learned so much about who I wanted to be, and I have a community of friends from work who are so much more than work friends that do the same now. I also appreciate the online knitting community I am a part of but nothing beats face time. So glad you have that; I know exactly what you mean.

Gail said...

It is a delight to share time with like-minded people.

Jane said...

Sounds wonderful. I love my knitting circle. I get a very precious 2hrs a week if I'm lucky and I really enjoy the company. I love my solitude too, but don't get a lot of it with a house full of kids. I know it's a chapter though and am happy that I've found a community of like-minded people that I can spend more time with as and when.

Stephanie V said...

Like-minded groups of women are the best supports for each other. I'm always amazed that, no matter how diverse the group I'm in - age, stage, or experience - we always understand each other. I'm glad you have found that, too.

The Crusty Crone said...

Its great to have a place to go to rejuvenate!

I noticed the man on the left of the picture is missing his lower arm. Tough living back then.

(I like seeing old photographs)