Monday, January 26, 2009

Much ado About Nothing

I don't have a whole lot to talk about, so I thought I'd talk about other people  and things for a bit.  Even my snow blowing farmer has let me down by failing to give me writing fodder.  It's supposed to snow a bit tonight and tomorrow so there is still hope.

While driving home tonight, I heard the news about the woman in California who gave birth to octuplets.  If you ask me, eight is a litter.  And she plans to breast feed them all.  I hope she has more equipment than the two tools we're normally given at birth.  I don't know about you, but I found one at a time more than enough to manage; I can't imagine breast feeding 8 babies simultaneously.  Doctors expressed shock at the birth of the eight-they were only expecting seven.  I ask you, what difference does that make?  Shock should be expressed when you're expecting one and deliver eight.

Along the same lines, there has been advertising about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's son getting married.  This is the couple from Arkansas who've had 18 children.  Lord, I don't know how they do it.  They've made a living from showing their lives on TV and now, the upcoming wedding of their son will be televised.  I wonder if they're going to run out of names that begin with the letter J.  They name all their kids with J names.  Do you think we'll see future episodes of this show with stories about how Michelle's uterus has prolapsed?  Forgive me if I don't get it.  I just don't.  Do you get it?

There seems to be scientific proof that drinking red wine really is good for us.  Scientists think they've isolated the chemical and soon, we'll be able to take a pill or two that will do the same thing that the chemical can.  No thanks, I'd rather trust nature and just drink my medicine.  

I'm going to have a glass of medicine and go to bed.  Maybe my brain just needs to rest.


Jane said...

Much rather have a glass of wine, or maybe two

Brenda said...

I think the idea of large families is cool, but the reality is I wouldn't have been able to do it, or at least I don't think so. Going back and doing my genealogy, I found it was not uncommon for families to have had 10 or more kids, but times were so different back then.
I have been saying for along time now, that I wish someone would invent a pill to take away hunger and still provide nutrition, so I could save time going to the grocery store and cooking. Those two things I have come to really hate doing at my age. Like the glass of wine though, the pleasure of it all is always going to outweigh the pill.

Rudee said...

I'd much rather have the wine too Miss.

Brenda, I like to eat real food, and I still like to cook. It's the clean up that I find annoying.

flydragon said...

At least the Duggar kids seem to be well behaved and polite. That other program with the 8 kids, is totally different. Kids always screaming, crying and just carrying on. Drives me crazy when I happen to land on it. And no, I don't get it either!!!! But I definitely do get the glass of wine:)

sandy said...

I've often wondered how Michelle's uterus holds up. With my fourth one, I had to have semi bedrest after 5 months because i was having problems with my support systems down below. I CANNOT figure out how she is doing this. I have seen the show a few times and find it fascinating but always forget to watch it.

Yes eight is a GOD.. I personally didn't use my tools for feeding, don't know why, I was one of those that wasn't maternal enough to want to do that. Formula was fine for my big strapping guys. They turned out fine, rarely sick and they're all in their 30s..and tall.

I like to drink my medicine too, does long island ice teas count as medicine.

Gill - That British Woman said...

Of the two shows, Jon and Kate plus 8, and the Duggars. I like Jon and Kate best, as they seem more real, temper tantrums, kids fighting, parents yelling, just normal daily things.

The Duggars are just to perfect for my liking, but that's just my own simple opinion!!!

Gill in Canada

Also having 8 children at once is not normal, if God had wanted us women to give birth to 8 kids at once, we would all be having huge "litters."

debra said...

How in heaven's name is she going to breast feed???? She would never sleep(which will be hard enough as it is). WOW. Eight at once. Boggles my mind.

Altaglow said...

I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to comment on your blog. Silent, but deadly, is the term my girl RC uses for me. I love your blog, I will be back.

If I had just had eight babes, or the expected seven, I would have already tried to figure out how to stop breathing.

Rudee said...

Thank you Altaglow, and welcome.

Lisa L said...

I wonder if the Duggar boy is marrying the girl that also comes from a gargantuan family...I saw something on TV over the weekend where a family of ?17 comes to visit the Duggars. The older boy was going to date the girl with a 'chaperone'..apparently there is to be no kissing before marriage. My god...hard to imagine. The older boy said he would like his wife to have as many kids as god blessed them with...uh oh...

laurie said...

ha. for a blog about nothing, it was great.

i wish they'd find medicinal properties in white wine. redwine makes me sick.