31° F | 20° F
-1° C | -7° C
The cold is intense for mid-December; so much so, not even many layers of wool help ease the bite. To say the least, it's not a good night for the heat to go out. However, this is an annual event in this house and it's always the same problem. The furnace is so ancient, I think it belongs in the Henry Ford Museum.
The pooch was so cold, he let the man-child snuggle up. Notice who has the blanket though (you'd think the fur coat that comes naturally would be enough).
Ha ha...the man child..perfect. Most men could be called this, I think. From what I remember about your doggie, he has arthritis in his hips and needs to take pain pills. Pain pills and a warm blanket and a man child for body heat. What a life! Reminds me of the time i had just given birth to my son via c-section and they gave me some relaxing pain pill, don't know what, (it was a good one though!) and the nurse brought me a warmed blanket. I have never felt so comfortable in my life. I will always remember that angelic nurse for those comforts!
I love warm blankets too in a situation like that Brenda. Dukedog was so cold with the heat off. It was all fixed before we went to bed but until then, it was about 60 degrees in the house. Freezing.
We have the same weather here, last night -8c and we went out in that, brrr...the doggy is sooo cute...ciao
Those pictures are lovely. Funny how animals hog all the good warm stuff.
I know the feeling about no heating. We paid out a small fortune for a new boiler last year. A couple of weeks ago for the first time ever we had no heating or hot water. A pipe which the plumber had thoughtfully placed outside along the garage wall had frozen. I had queried this when the work was done.
Now when it gets cold don't things freeze up? So why put a pipe outside when you could have put it inside? Men!
Not sure animals understand the fir coat bit, the cat keeps getting into bed and wrapping himself round my neck to keep warm
so sweet.
riley loves pillows and blankets, too. it's endearing.
The pooch may be a sissy, but he's a warm sissy. The man-child sitting there in short sleeves is proving that he is not a sissy, but he definitely looks cold. Hmmmm, wonder who's the smartest.
Fly, when the manchild got cold enough, he left us all at home and went to his grandfather's. He didn't come home until the furnace was repaired.
Ha, well I guess he is the smart one after all:)
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