While watching the news, which I hate to do, I was rewarded with the story of the fellow who rigged his car with lights and sirens. He then headed out on the road to play policeman. The very first car he pulled over was a Chevy Impala, an unmarked police car of the Ann Arbor Police Department. The fellas in that car were in full uniform too. I'd have loved to have been a fly on the window. Ah, the news was good tonight.
Yesterday, as I was leaving my local democratic party headquarters with an Obama yard sign, I was verbally accosted by a man who was with a small child. Now, why he felt it necessary to say anything to me regarding my politics is beyond me. Why he felt compelled to say what he did in front of a child no older than 3 is disgusting. He called me a bitch (which is technically correct) and called my presidential choice Obama bin Laden (which technically, is incorrect). He wasn't done though when he said, "there's a mama obama bin laden lover." Now that was kind of bigoted. Only 8 days left. This election can't be over soon enough. I changed my mind about putting this sign on my lawn. I don't want to borrow trouble. My son said, "good idea, someone might steal it." He put it up in his bedroom window which faces the street. What a great young man who was taught it's his right to vote for whoever he wants to be in office. It's called a democracy. That's something the man's son I encountered yesterday may never get to do: voice his own opinion. I bet his son won't have a circle of friends who look like members of the United Nations either. His loss.
So while I can't tell you how to vote, I can tell you I'd probably like you just fine no matter which way you did vote, as long as you do it. We've a lot of ancestors who paid the ultimate price just so we can voice an opinion. I'll tell you what though, I know of someone out there who has a vote I plan to cancel out next week. With luck, he's too ignorant to throw on his wifebeater shirt and head out to the polls. Just in case, someone else needs to counter the votes of my brothers and my best friend, none of whom have called me a bitch because of my politics.
Whew, that felt good.
Yesterday, as I was leaving my local democratic party headquarters with an Obama yard sign, I was verbally accosted by a man who was with a small child. Now, why he felt it necessary to say anything to me regarding my politics is beyond me. Why he felt compelled to say what he did in front of a child no older than 3 is disgusting. He called me a bitch (which is technically correct) and called my presidential choice Obama bin Laden (which technically, is incorrect). He wasn't done though when he said, "there's a mama obama bin laden lover." Now that was kind of bigoted. Only 8 days left. This election can't be over soon enough. I changed my mind about putting this sign on my lawn. I don't want to borrow trouble. My son said, "good idea, someone might steal it." He put it up in his bedroom window which faces the street. What a great young man who was taught it's his right to vote for whoever he wants to be in office. It's called a democracy. That's something the man's son I encountered yesterday may never get to do: voice his own opinion. I bet his son won't have a circle of friends who look like members of the United Nations either. His loss.
So while I can't tell you how to vote, I can tell you I'd probably like you just fine no matter which way you did vote, as long as you do it. We've a lot of ancestors who paid the ultimate price just so we can voice an opinion. I'll tell you what though, I know of someone out there who has a vote I plan to cancel out next week. With luck, he's too ignorant to throw on his wifebeater shirt and head out to the polls. Just in case, someone else needs to counter the votes of my brothers and my best friend, none of whom have called me a bitch because of my politics.
Whew, that felt good.
I don't know if it's just because I'm a liberal, but it always seems to me that conservatives are more likely to attack.
It may be a desperation thing going on here wt. There is a lot of hate being stirred up.
Around here some have taken to not only stealing other's signs but also spray painting their messages on the opposing sides garages. I like a lively debate, but stealing and damaging someones property is something else. I can't wait for this election to be over!
I did enjoy your cop story:)
I rarely comment on another countries election mostly because I think it's none of my business. I do however have two stepsons in California (which is pretty liberal), who are both hard working young men. Surprisingly, they are both voting Republican, go figure...but here's what bothers them both. When they admit it to others they are called racist (they are not) and denigrated for their right to choose. One, who is a realtor, blames the current monetary crisis on the Clinton admnistration for the law the lets people get mortgages even though they don't have jobs! Sooner or later it had to come crashing down. Whatever happens in the U.S. affects us big time up here but who you vote for is your business. Denigrating someone for their choice of politics is wrong, wrong wrong, no matter which side does it...ciao
I don't think you have to worry about your brothers vote. Last I heard he was voting for Nadar or maybe me.
My personal preference is Bill Bonds. Did you catch his editorial last week?
I don't understand people like that guy. All I know is there are too many like him. He has his vote and we have ours. Leave it at that.
It is pretty hard to grin and bear it when people get in your face like that. But I am glad you ignored it and vented here instead. The mean spirit in people is scary. I do hope things like this settle down soon.
As always, enjoyed reading you!
That is some story about what you encountered.
News Bulletin: I had lunch with a republican today and we discussed nothing in respect to politics. I think everyone is just over it. I still won't put the sign back in my yard but it looks just great in my son's window.
FTM, your wife already cancels your vote out. You may as well just stay home. hahahahaha. Lunch this week? I want to prove I can lunch with a republican twice in one week and do nothing but gossip about stupid stuff. I know it can be done! I wonder what the police impostor had for lunch?
At my workplace a day without being called a "bitch" is a day I'm not doing my job right. Just keep on truckin', girl.
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